Our probability and statistics course provides students with a rigorous foundation in statistical theory and methods, building on techniques learned in calculus and linear algebra. Whether pursuing STEM subjects, economics, or other disciplines, this course equips students with the theoretical knowledge to analyze and interpret data effectively.
This comprehensive course covers fundamental topics such as elementary probability, combinatorics, random variables, expectation algebra, discrete and continuous probability distributions, and joint distributions. Real-world examples are integrated throughout, helping students connect theory to practice.
After gaining a solid understanding of elementary probability and random variables, students progress to more advanced topics in statistical inference. This course covers elementary concepts related to parametric inference, the central limit theorem and its applications, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and regression. Students are also introduced to some nonparametric methods. Real-world examples are discussed, helping students comprehend the practical applications of statistical theory.
This course provides ideal preparation for exploring advanced topics such as Bayesian statistics, time series analysis, or machine learning.
The course begins by building a strong foundation in elementary probability and random variables, key concepts for understanding uncertainty and data analysis. Topics include Bayes' theorem, combinatorics, continuous random variables, and methods for calculating distributions of functions of random variables. By mastering these essential ideas, students are well-prepared to confidently engage with more advanced statistical inference concepts and tackle complex real-world problems.
After studying well-known discrete and continuous random variables, students will delve deeper into the concept of moments. They will learn to calculate expectations, variances, and other fundamental properties of random variables using moments, gaining insight into the behavior and characteristics of distributions. The course also introduces moment-generating functions, exploring their properties and applications. In particular, students will learn how these functions are used to derive the distributions of combinations of random variables, providing a powerful tool for advanced statistical analysis.
In this course, students explore various methods for combining random variables. Key topics include joint, marginal, and conditional distributions and their connections to expectation, variance, and independence within the context of joint distributions.
The second half of the course focuses on statistical inference, covering key topics such as point estimation, the central limit theorem, maximum likelihood estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing for one-sample and two-sample procedures. Additional topics include one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, regression, and an introduction to chi-square goodness-of-fit tests.
Understanding and applying the law of total probability and Bayes' Theorem.
Calculating permutations and combinations, including cases with repetition, and modeling real-world and mathematical problems using combinatorial techniques.
Understanding and applying the definition of a probability density function (PDF) for a continuous random variable and calculating probabilities using PDFs.
Understanding and applying the definition of a cumulative distribution function (CDF) for a continuous random variable and calculating probabilities using CDFs.
Defining and computing median, quartiles, percentiles, and modes for continuous random variables.
Understanding how continuity corrections are applied to approximate discrete random variables as continuous.
Understanding how to simulate data from a given probability distribution.
Applying the distribution function and change-of-variables methods to transform random variables.
Calculating expected values, variance, and moments for discrete and continuous random variables.
Understanding and applying properties of expectation and variance.
Calculating expectations of functions of random variables using LOTUS.
Calculating moment-generating functions (MGFs) for discrete and continuous random variables.
Using MGFs to calculate moments and variances or random variables.
Deriving MGFs for well-known discrete and continuous distributions.
Deriving and applying properties of MGFs to find MGFs of linear combinations of random variables.
Applying the uniqueness property of MGFs to derive distributions of sums of random variables with known distributions.
Constructing and applying the probability mass function (PMF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of well-known probability distributions, including:
The discrete uniform distribution
The Bernoulli distribution
The binomial distribution
The Poisson distribution
The geometric distribution
The negative binomial distribution
Understanding the relationship between the Bernoulli and binomial distributions and the geometric and negative binomial distributions.
Solving real-world situations using these distributions and understanding the conditions where modeling with a known distribution is appropriate.
Approximating a binomial random variable using a Poisson distribution.
Calculating probabilities using the standard normal distribution, including understanding and applying its symmetry properties.
Modeling using the normal distribution and solving problems via z-scoring and using the CDF of the standard normal distribution, percentage points tables, and the empirical rules.
Understanding and applying the normal approximations for binomial and Poisson random variables.
Solving real-world and mathematical problems using the following continuous probability distributions:
The continuous uniform distribution
The exponential distribution
The gamma distribution
The chi-square distribution
The student's T-distribution
Fisher's F-distribution
Understanding the relationship between the exponential and gamma distributions, the chi-square and normal distributions, the student and normal distributions, and the chi-square and F-distributions.
Analyzing joint, marginal, and conditional distributions for discrete and continuous random variables.
Understanding the definition of independence for discrete and continuous random variables and solving related problems.
Calculating expected values and variances from joint and marginal distributions and exploring conditional expectation and variance.
Combining multiple random variables and solving related problems, including I.I.D. binomial, Poisson, and normal random variables.
Deriving PMFs for trinomial and multinomial distributions using combinatorial arguments and solving related real-world and mathematical problems.
Solving problems using the bivariate normal distribution.
Applying covariance properties, variance of sums, and correlation coefficients to combinations of random variables.
Understanding the concept of a statistic and sampling distribution, including the sample mean, sample variance, pooled variance, and biased and unbiased estimators.
Deriving and applying point estimates for expected values and variances of sample means.
Solving problems involving sample means from normal populations.
Understanding how elements sampled from finite populations are dependent and use this to solve related problems.
Deriving and applying point estimates for means and variances of sample proportions.
Using the method of moments to derive point estimates for samples drawn from one-parameter and two-parameter distributions, and relating this method to the law of large numbers.
Understanding and applying the central limit theorem (CLT) to approximate distributions of sample means and sums of I.I.D. random variables and solve real-world problems.
Applying the CLT to approximate distributions of sample proportions and solve real-world problems.
Applying finite population corrections when estimating distributions of sample means and proportions.
Constructing likelihood and log-likelihood functions for samples drawn from discrete and continuous populations and using maximum likelihood to estimate population parameters.
Constructing and interpreting single-sample confidence intervals for:
Population means, including cases with unknown population variances and finite population corrections.
Population proportions, including cases with unknown population variances and finite population corrections.
Population variances drawn from normal distributions.
Constructing and interpreting two-sample confidence intervals for:
Differences in population means, including cases with unknown population variances.
Differences in population proportions.
Paired samples.
Estimating appropriate sample sizes for means and proportions.
Essential concepts related to hypothesis testing: statistical significance, one-tailed and two-tailed tests, critical regions, critical values, and type I and type II errors.
Constructing and interpreting single-sample hypothesis tests for:
Population proportions, comparing data against a binomial distribution model.
Population rates, comparing data against a Poisson distribution model.
Population means, including cases with unknown population variances.
Population variances drawn from normal distributions.
Constructing and interpreting two-sample hypothesis tests for:
Differences in population means, including cases with unknown population variances.
Differences in population proportions.
Paired samples.
Differences in variances.
Analyzing grouped data using within-groups and between-groups variation.
Deriving and calculating SSW, SSB, and SST, understanding the relationship between them and the sample variance.
Constructing a one-way ANOVA table and testing a hypothesis comparing the equality of multiple means.
Computing Pearson's correlation coefficient and fitting linear regression models.
Computing Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and understanding its relationship with Pearson's coefficient.
Constructing confidence intervals for linear regression parameters.
Solving least-squares and regression problems (including polynomial and multiple linear regression) using techniques from linear algebra.
Conducting chi-square goodness-of-fit tests for various distributions.
Testing for independence and homogeneity using chi-square methods.
Solving problems relating to order statistics.
1.1.1. | The Law of Total Probability | |
1.1.2. | Extending the Law of Total Probability | |
1.1.3. | Bayes' Theorem | |
1.1.4. | Extending Bayes' Theorem |
1.2.1. | Permutations With Repetition | |
1.2.2. | K Permutations of N With Repetition | |
1.2.3. | Combinations With Repetition |
1.3.1. | Probability Density Functions of Continuous Random Variables | |
1.3.2. | Calculating Probabilities With Continuous Random Variables | |
1.3.3. | Continuous Random Variables Over Infinite Domains | |
1.3.4. | Cumulative Distribution Functions for Continuous Random Variables | |
1.3.5. | Median, Quartiles and Percentiles of Continuous Random Variables | |
1.3.6. | Finding the Mode of a Continuous Random Variable | |
1.3.7. | Approximating Discrete Random Variables as Continuous | |
1.3.8. | Simulating Random Observations |
1.4.1. | One-to-One Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | |
1.4.2. | Many-to-One Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | |
1.4.3. | The Distribution Function Method | |
1.4.4. | The Change-of-Variables Method for Continuous Random Variables | |
1.4.5. | The Distribution Function Method With Many-to-One Transformations |
2.5.1. | Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables | |
2.5.2. | Properties of Expectation for Discrete Random Variables | |
2.5.3. | Variance of Discrete Random Variables | |
2.5.4. | Moments of Discrete Random Variables | |
2.5.5. | Properties of Variance for Discrete Random Variables | |
2.5.6. | Moments of Continuous Random Variables | |
2.5.7. | Expected Values of Continuous Random Variables | |
2.5.8. | Variance of Continuous Random Variables | |
2.5.9. | The Rule of the Lazy Statistician |
2.6.1. | Moment-Generating Functions | |
2.6.2. | Calculating Moments Using Moment-Generating Functions | |
2.6.3. | Calculating Variance and Standard Deviation Using Moment-Generating Functions | |
2.6.4. | Constructing Moment-Generating Functions for Discrete Probability Distributions | |
2.6.5. | Constructing Moment-Generating Functions for Continuous Probability Distributions | |
2.6.6. | Properties of Moment-Generating Functions | |
2.6.7. | The Uniqueness Property of MGFs |
3.7.1. | The Discrete Uniform Distribution | |
3.7.2. | Mean and Variance of the Discrete Uniform Distribution | |
3.7.3. | Modeling With Discrete Uniform Distributions |
3.8.1. | The Bernoulli Distribution | |
3.8.2. | Mean and Variance of the Bernoulli Distribution |
3.9.1. | The Binomial Distribution | |
3.9.2. | Modeling With the Binomial Distribution | |
3.9.3. | Mean and Variance of the Binomial Distribution | |
3.9.4. | The CDF of the Binomial Distribution |
3.10.1. | The Poisson Distribution | |
3.10.2. | Modeling With the Poisson Distribution | |
3.10.3. | Mean and Variance of the Poisson Distribution | |
3.10.4. | The CDF of the Poisson Distribution | |
3.10.5. | The Poisson Approximation of the Binomial Distribution |
3.11.1. | The Geometric Distribution | |
3.11.2. | Modeling With the Geometric Distribution | |
3.11.3. | Mean and Variance of the Geometric Distribution |
3.12.1. | The Negative Binomial Distribution | |
3.12.2. | Modeling With the Negative Binomial Distribution | |
3.12.3. | Mean and Variance of the Negative Binomial Distribution |
4.13.1. | The Z-Score | |
4.13.2. | The Standard Normal Distribution | |
4.13.3. | Symmetry Properties of the Standard Normal Distribution | |
4.13.4. | The Normal Distribution | |
4.13.5. | Mean and Variance of the Normal Distribution | |
4.13.6. | Percentage Points of the Standard Normal Distribution | |
4.13.7. | Modeling With the Normal Distribution | |
4.13.8. | The Empirical Rule for the Normal Distribution | |
4.13.9. | Normal Approximations of Binomial Distributions | |
4.13.10. | The Normal Approximation of the Poisson Distribution |
4.14.1. | The Continuous Uniform Distribution | |
4.14.2. | Mean and Variance of the Continuous Uniform Distribution | |
4.14.3. | Modeling With Continuous Uniform Distributions |
4.15.1. | The Exponential Distribution | |
4.15.2. | Modeling With the Exponential Distribution | |
4.15.3. | Mean and Variance of the Exponential Distribution |
4.16.1. | The Gamma Function | |
4.16.2. | The Gamma Distribution | |
4.16.3. | The Chi-Square Distribution | |
4.16.4. | The Student's T-Distribution | |
4.16.5. | The F-Distribution |
5.17.1. | Joint Distributions for Discrete Random Variables | |
5.17.2. | The Joint CDF of Two Discrete Random Variables | |
5.17.3. | Marginal Distributions for Discrete Random Variables | |
5.17.4. | Independence of Discrete Random Variables | |
5.17.5. | Conditional Distributions for Discrete Random Variables | |
5.17.6. | The Trinomial Distribution | |
5.17.7. | The Multinomial Distribution |
5.18.1. | Joint Distributions for Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.2. | Marginal Distributions for Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.3. | Independence of Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.4. | Conditional Distributions for Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.5. | The Joint CDF of Two Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.6. | Properties of the Joint CDF of Two Continuous Random Variables | |
5.18.7. | The Bivariate Normal Distribution |
5.19.1. | Linear Combinations of Binomial Random Variables | |
5.19.2. | Linear Combinations of Poisson Random Variables | |
5.19.3. | Combining Two Normally Distributed Random Variables | |
5.19.4. | Combining Multiple Normally Distributed Random Variables | |
5.19.5. | I.I.D Normal Random Variables |
5.20.1. | Expected Values of Sums and Products of Random Variables | |
5.20.2. | Variance of Sums of Independent Random Variables | |
5.20.3. | Computing Expected Values From Joint Distributions | |
5.20.4. | Conditional Expectation for Discrete Random Variables | |
5.20.5. | Conditional Variance for Discrete Random Variables | |
5.20.6. | The Rule of the Lazy Statistician for Two Random Variables |
5.21.1. | The Covariance of Two Random Variables | |
5.21.2. | Variance of Sums of Random Variables | |
5.21.3. | The Covariance Matrix | |
5.21.4. | The Correlation Coefficient for Two Random Variables | |
5.21.5. | The Sample Covariance Matrix |
6.22.1. | The Sample Mean | |
6.22.2. | Sampling Distributions | |
6.22.3. | The Sample Variance | |
6.22.4. | Pooled Variance | |
6.22.5. | Variance of Sample Means | |
6.22.6. | Sample Means From Normal Populations | |
6.22.7. | Sampling Proportions From Finite Populations | |
6.22.8. | The Method of Moments | |
6.22.9. | The Method of Moments: Two-Parameter Distributions |
6.23.1. | The Central Limit Theorem | |
6.23.2. | Applications of the Central Limit Theorem | |
6.23.3. | Finite Population Corrections for Sample Means | |
6.23.4. | Point Estimates of Population Proportions | |
6.23.5. | Finite Population Corrections for Sample Proportions |
6.24.1. | Product Notation | |
6.24.2. | Logarithmic Differentiation | |
6.24.3. | Likelihood Functions for Discrete Probability Distributions | |
6.24.4. | Log-Likelihood Functions for Discrete Probability Distributions | |
6.24.5. | Likelihood Functions for Continuous Probability Distributions | |
6.24.6. | Log-Likelihood Functions for Continuous Probability Distributions | |
6.24.7. | Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
7.25.1. | Confidence Intervals for One Mean: Known Population Variance | |
7.25.2. | Confidence Intervals for One Mean: Unknown Population Variance | |
7.25.3. | Confidence Intervals for One Means: Finite Population Correction | |
7.25.4. | Confidence Intervals for One Proportion | |
7.25.5. | Confidence Intervals for One Proportion: Finite Population Corrections | |
7.25.6. | Confidence Intervals for One Variance |
7.26.1. | Confidence Intervals for Two Means: Known and Unequal Population Variances | |
7.26.2. | Confidence Intervals for Two Means: Equal and Unknown Population Variance | |
7.26.3. | Confidence Intervals for Two Means: Unequal and Unknown Population Variance | |
7.26.4. | Confidence Intervals for Two Proportions | |
7.26.5. | Confidence Intervals for Paired Samples: Known Variances | |
7.26.6. | Confidence Intervals for Paired Samples: Unknown Variances |
7.27.1. | Estimating Sample Sizes for Means | |
7.27.2. | Estimating Sample Sizes for Proportions | |
7.27.3. | Estimating Sample Sizes for Proportions: Finite Population Correction |
8.28.1. | Introduction to Hypothesis Testing | |
8.28.2. | Hypothesis Tests for the Rate of a Poisson Distribution | |
8.28.3. | Critical Regions for Left-Tailed Hypothesis Tests | |
8.28.4. | Critical Regions for Right-Tailed Hypothesis Tests | |
8.28.5. | Two-Tailed Hypothesis Tests | |
8.28.6. | Type I and Type II Errors | |
8.28.7. | Hypothesis Tests for One Mean: Known Population Variance | |
8.28.8. | Hypothesis Tests for One Mean: Unknown Population Variance | |
8.28.9. | Hypothesis Tests for One Variance |
8.29.1. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Means: Known Population Variances | |
8.29.2. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Means: Equal But Unknown Population Variances | |
8.29.3. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Means: Unequal and Unknown Population Variances | |
8.29.4. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Proportions | |
8.29.5. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Means: Paired-Sample Z-Test | |
8.29.6. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Means: Paired-Sample T-Test | |
8.29.7. | Hypothesis Tests for Two Variances |
8.30.1. | One-Factor Within Groups and Between Groups Variation | |
8.30.2. | The Relationship Between SSW, SSB, SST | |
8.30.3. | One-Factor Analysis of Variance |
9.31.1. | The Linear Correlation Coefficient | |
9.31.2. | Linear Regression | |
9.31.3. | Residuals and Residual Plots | |
9.31.4. | Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient | |
9.31.5. | Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression Slope Parameters | |
9.31.6. | Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression Intercept Parameters |
9.32.1. | The Least-Squares Solution of a Linear System (Without Collinearity) | |
9.32.2. | The Least-Squares Solution of a Linear System (With Collinearity) | |
9.32.3. | Linear Regression With Matrices | |
9.32.4. | Polynomial Regression With Matrices | |
9.32.5. | Multiple Linear Regression With Matrices |
10.33.1. | Introduction to Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit | |
10.33.2. | Testing Binomial Models Using Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit | |
10.33.3. | Testing Poisson Models Using Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit | |
10.33.4. | Testing Continuous Uniform Models Using Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit | |
10.33.5. | Testing Normal Models Using Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit | |
10.33.6. | Chi-Square Tests of Independence and Homogeneity | |
10.33.7. | Introduction to Order Statistics |