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All of our courses are comprehensive and standards-based, typically covering hundreds of individual topics. Each course kicks off with an adaptive diagnostic exam that creates a custom-fit experience by identifying any missing prerequisite knowledge and any course material the student may already know.

Fully Accredited

Math Academy's math courses are fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Math Academy, LLC. is now officially registered and listed on UC's Directory of Online Publishers. Your home school may add our courses to their list through their UC course management portal so we are able to issue transcripts to you for official UC a-g credit.

Early Grades

Our lowest entry point is 4th Grade Math, which would be an appropriate starting point for any student who knows their multiplication tables up to the 12s and is capable of reading independently.

4th Grade Math

Learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers with multiple digits. Encounter different types of numbers including fractions and decimals, and learn about lines and angles in geometry.

5th Grade Math

Learn how to perform arithmetic with negative numbers, fractions, and decimals. Solve real-world problems involving measurement, data, and geometry.


This course bridges the gap between elementary-school arithmetic and middle-school algebra and geometry. Further your understanding of arithmetic and geometry, learn about variables, and solve linear equations, inequalities, and systems.

Prealgebra vs. 6th-8th Grade Math

The Prealgebra course covers the same content as the standard 6th-8th grade math courses, but in a more streamlined format.

High School Courses

There are three sequences to choose from: the Traditional Math Sequence, the Integrated Math Sequence, and the Integrated Math (Honors) Sequence. Both the traditional and integrated sequences cover the same material, the only difference being the order in which certain topics are introduced.

The noted shortcoming of the traditional sequence is that it's frequently the case that many Algebra I skills have to be relearned in Algebra II after the student has taken a year off for Geometry. (However, our spaced-repetition algorithm makes this less of a problem as it keeps all previously covered skills fresh. For some families, following the traditional sequence could be more convenient, if for instance, a student is attending, or may attend, a school that only offers the traditional courses.)

The Integrated Math (Honors) Sequence, however, moves at a considerably faster pace, covering four years of math in only three.

Traditional Math Sequence

Algebra I

Level up your algebra skills, learn about functions and graphing, and dive deep into quadratics.


Learn how to compute length, area, and volume for a wide variety of objects. Discover relationships between angles and side lengths in right triangles.

Algebra II

Master the algebra of advanced functions including quadratics, logarithms, trigonometry, and more. Dive deep into the theory of polynomials.


Learn advanced trigonometry and core concepts in probability and statistics. Encounter objects from higher math including complex numbers, vectors, and matrices.

Integrated Math Sequence

Integrated Math I

Level up your algebra skills, learn about functions and graphing, and solve problems in geometry and real-world modeling.

Integrated Math II

Master the algebra of quadratics and get acquainted with more advanced functions including polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, and more. Learn core concepts in probability.

Integrated Math III

Dive deep into the algebra of polynomials, practice graphing trigonometric functions, and master the algebra of radical functions and logarithms. Learn core concepts in combinatorics, probability, and statistics.


Learn advanced trigonometry and core concepts in probability and statistics. Encounter objects from higher math including complex numbers, vectors, and matrices.

Integrated Math (Honors) Sequence

The honors sequence covers four years of high-school math in three years, including Precalculus. In contrast, the standard integrated math sequence terminates at the same level as Algebra II and feeds into Precalculus.

Integrated Math I (Honors)

Level up your algebra skills, learn about functions and graphing, and solve problems in geometry and real-world modeling.

Integrated Math II (Honors)

Master the algebra of advanced functions including quadratics, polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, and more. Learn core concepts in combinatorics, probability, and statistics.

Integrated Math III (Honors)

Dive deep into the algebra of polynomials, radical and rational functions, and advanced trigonometry. Encounter objects from higher math including complex numbers, vectors, matrices, parametric equations, and polar equations.

Test Prep

Test prep courses focus the student's learning on exam-specific material and fine-tune the critical skills necessary to achieve the highest score possible.

SAT Math Fundamentals

Covers all specified SAT topics such as basic and advanced algebra, 2D and 3D geometry, trigonometry, functions, statistics, probability, and problem-solving.

ACT Math Coming soon...

Master important ACT topics, including but not limited to real and complex numbers, integer and rational exponents, vectors and matrices, linear, polynomial, radical, and exponential relationships, linear, radical, piecewise, polynomial, and logarithmic functions, geometry, statistics, and probability.

AP Courses

AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC are high school advanced placement courses intended to prepare students for the respective College Board AP Exams. While AP Calculus BC is meant to represent the material covered in the two-semester university calculus sequence Calculus I and Calculus II, AP Calculus AB is a less comprehensive treatment, covering about 70% of the material.

AP Calculus AB

Learn about limits, continuity, derivatives, indefinite and definite integrals and how to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts.

AP Calculus BC

Master the fundamentals of single-variable calculus including with vectors, parametric and polar equations. Learn how to apply tests of convergence to infinite series and to approximate functions using Taylor series.

Mathematical Foundations

The Mathematical Foundations sequence is aimed at adult learners interested in pursuing advanced university courses, but lack the necessary foundational knowledge. Whether you're starting off again with the basics or just need to brush up on your calculus, this is the fastest and most efficient way to get up to speed.

Mathematical Foundations I

Solidify your arithmetic, learn about variables and graphs, level up your algebra, and learn the essentials of geometry.

Mathematical Foundations II

Master the algebra of advanced functions including quadratics, logarithms, and trigonometry. Dive deep into the theory of polynomials, learn the basics of limits, derivatives, and integrals from calculus, and explore a variety of concepts from higher math including complex numbers, vectors, probability, and statistics.

Mathematical Foundations III

Learn advanced calculus techniques for computing limits, derivatives, and integrals, and apply calculus to solve problems in the context of related rates, optimization, particle motion, and differential equations. Dive deeper into complex numbers, vectors, matrices, parametric and polar curves, probability, and statistics.

University Courses

Our university courses are modeled after the rigorous, semester-length courses offered at elite universities, and in many cases, go a few steps beyond. These courses are comprehensive and cover every major topic reasonably included in an undergraduate treatment of the subject.

Calculus I

Learn the mathematics of change that underlies science and engineering. Master limits, derivatives, and the basics of integration.

Calculus II

Further your understanding of calculus: master advanced integration techniques, model real-world situations using differential equations, and more.

Linear Algebra

Dive deep into the math behind vectors and matrices. Learn a wide assortment of computational methods and conceptual connections that unify into an elegant whole.

Multivariable Calculus

Generalize your understanding of calculus to vector-valued functions and functions of multiple variables.

Methods of Proof

Build fluency with sets and logic, the most fundamental structures and operations in mathematics. Learn what a proof is and master a variety of techniques for proving mathematical statements.

Discrete Mathematics

Learn mathematical techniques for reasoning about quantities that are discrete rather than continuous. Encounter graphs, algorithms, and other areas of math that are widely applicable in computer science.

Probability & Statistics

Learn the mathematics of chance and use it to draw precise conclusions about possible outcomes of uncertain events. Analyze real-world data using mathematically rigorous techniques.

Mathematics for Machine Learning

Learn the key skills and concepts from linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and probability & statistics that you need to know in order to understand and implement core machine learning algorithms. This course will prepare you for a university-level machine learning course that covers topics such as gradient descent, neural networks and backpropagation, support vector machines, extensions of linear regression (e.g. logistic and lasso regression), naive Bayes classifiers, principal component analysis, matrix factorization methods, and Gaussian mixture models.

Differential Equations Coming soon...

Master a variety of techniques for solving equations that arise when using calculus to model real-world situations.

Abstract Algebra Coming soon...

Dive deep into the core relationships that govern how mathematical objects interact with one another. Learn to identify algebraic structures and apply mathematical reasoning to arrive at general conclusions.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our extensive course catalog covers the full range of content, from elementary arithmetic to upper-division undergraduate mathematics, and everything in between.